Tuesday 10 January 2017

Day one Teaching

Everyone wants their day one to be useful,  impressive, and highly successful. In an attempt to give the best or be there best,  at times it turns 🐢  .
It's true that there are too many emotions and expectations attached to it.

Before entering teaching, you must remember  that you have to make a lasting impact on children, colleagues,  co ordinators and the most important person the principal.

Using imagination and memory create a rough draft on how you want your day one.  First idealise yourself. 

Then remember the most popular teacher of your time. Take all the positives from that person's character.  Try and adopt some part of it. 

Now press your memories and try to remember the unpopular teachers.  Dwell for sometime on what was wrong Why Was the teacher unpopular.  And try to avoid that aspect.
Someone has rightly said that only God's creations are original rest everything is copy and paste.  True.... We are all learning something from someone or the other.

Do not plan to hit the ball as it comes.  All cricketing maestros including Dhoti enter the field with a strategy.  It seems that they are hitting on spot. But that's not so.

Dress: A very important aspect.  Choose an appropriate dress as per the dress code of the organisation.  Don't wear something very flashy.... You are not going out to make a fashion statement.  And there are other ways to show confidence.

Age group: Depending upon the age group of students whom you are going to address,  plan out a few things.

Academic content: You will be teaching a subject.  So make sure that you have a thorough knowledge of your subject.  You have to leave a strong impression on your students.  Revise,  read or research but be sure to be absolutely right in whatever that you are going to deliver.

Hope these tips will make your first day an impressive one.

Kesar Patel

Educator and Administrator.

Monday 9 January 2017

The first steps in Teaching

Learning is a lifelong process. It means someone is teaching everyday.
Well I don't intend to preach about life's teaching and learning process which is also known as experience.
I wish to write about teaching as in a classroom. Teaching when it  touches lives. Teaching when it brings a smile and satisfaction at the end of the day.

I am grateful to have lovely experiences associated with this profession since the day I joined.
Children love a teacher,  they adore her,  they respect her and they emulate the teachers who touch their hearts and change their lives.

Though this profession is a highly revered one, people don't take it seriously.  Mostly people enter this profession for the less working hours and more leaves.  Or because there's no other job easily available choice.

Sad situation.  But when one enters it,  he or she is gripped into the fineness and altruistic appeal of the job.

I've dedicated this series to all the freshers entering this profession. You'll find tips,  stories,  some valuable suggestions and great links to help you sail smoothly through this journey of teaching.

So watch out this blog for a lot more is to come.

Kesar Patel
Educator  and Administrator