Thursday, 20 August 2020

Have you gamified your Lesson plan?

Picture Credit: Reading Rewards
Screens are an important part of our life. they play a significant role in a child's life also.

The children are used to screens and they use it to their advantage.

Whenever you speak about a screen, they are curious, interested and hence they are good learners with the screens.

Before the pandemic the lesson plans were designed to deliver in a classroom.

During the pandemic they have to be redesigned to achieve objectives of a virtual classroom.

Time and again I have pointed out that there is a major difference between digital content and a digital classroom.

Digital content is extremely attractive both in audio and visual manner.

Digital classroom can be managed by stimulating the students in different ways. The software companies are entering Edtech because they have seen the potential of learning by gamifying the concepts.

True gamified content lures the student into learning a concept by sugar coating the educational content in the form of a game.

The student is focused towards the game which is very interesting an in return learns a concept which might seem boring otherwise. 

Hence if teachers gamify the Lesson plan it would really interest the students.

So teachers how do you gamify your Lesson plan?

Attractive conten:  Just like a video game the content of your class should be attractive. It should have an interesting activity, lively examples or small portions of humor.

Award points:  The students should be given points to score as they move through the lesson. Remember in a video game the player keeps scoring points at every step.

Make a point scoring system in your class based on attentiveness, promptness in answering the question, Raising hands to acknowledge what the teacher is saying, etc.

GI FS and Emojis:  For every high point during your lesson give out  a GIF or an emoj. It livens the mood and draws the attention of the students. It’s the content being given out.

Feedback through points:  If you openly give feedback through points based on their performance, the learners compare their performance and try to fill up the gap in the points.

Hence they try to improve their learning skills. At the end of the lesson every student can display the reward points collected during the lesson.

Gamifying a lesson plan will help a teacher in getting an interested lot if students for the class

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

The Best Tips to Deal with Digital Fatigue!

Picture credit: it

What is Digital Fatigue?

When people use many apps at one time, they experience Digital Fatigue.

It also occurs when you work for long time opposite screens.

Eyes are strained and mind is stressed.

Since remote learning has started and will continue for a long time, one cannot avoid digital fatigue.

Fatigue sets in our daily life also when when we do many things at the same time.

If your pace of doing work is very fast, you get tired easily.

The same applies for Virtual or online work.

The speed of the electronic gadgets is fast. Our brain tries to catch up with it and the result is fatigue.

We should not try to adjust the speed of our mind to that of a machine.

Here are a few ways to deal with digital fatigue-

➡️ Slow Down: Do not try to complete work in a short period of time.

As people are working from home, they try to finish their work fast so that they can attend to other chores. Work at a slower pace.

➡️ Plan: Before you hit the internet button and start work, plan your to do list.

Make a list of tasks on a notepad. Writing it down assures that you will remain focussed on your work. There won't be any confusions and so fatigue will be avoided.

➡️ Handy Note Pad: When you are working online, keep a notepad handy. If something pops up in your mind, write it down. 

Don't act upon it immediately. Read it later on and decide it's priority based upon importance.

I keep a notepad handy when I am on Social Media. While scrolling, if I find something useful, I note it down.

Later I reflect whether it is of value and should I react to it or not.

This Technique saves time. There is no unnecessary wastage of time.

➡️ Shut Down: While working, all notifications should be off. Notifications causes distractions and distraction causes fatigue.

Digital Fatigue kills creativity and sets in procrastination.

To avoid Digital Fatigue, complete your work and move away from screens.