Monday 25 September 2017

5 Effective Teaching Strategies

Teaching is a not a very broad term as some teachers feel. It is a very methodical and effective method. A teacher can use different teaching strategies provided her focus is on the way her children learn. Anyone who thinks from the learner’s point of view would be able to come with techniques which are very effective and bring in positive response from the students. A teacher must think about what should she do so that the students will learn?
Here are some effective methods which are time tested and have brought good results for the everyone. Try them out.

a.       Brainstorming: A teacher must put up a topic for brainstorming in the class. Let the children come up with different ideas. Offer them a platform to share their ideas. Whatever you want to teach them will ultimately be in their answers. Put those answers on the board and reinforce their own ideas to them, it will be learning for the students.

b.      The Preview Strategy: The students learn more when they are curious to learn about some topic. Arouse their curiosity by giving them just a glimpse of your lesson one or two days prior to teaching it in the class. Just like the Hollywood or Bollywood directors first release a preview of their movie, they arouse curiosity among the audience. On similar lines, a teacher can arouse curiosity.
c.       Creativity: A teacher must always be creative at all times. She must be able to generate ideas out of anything that comes to her mind. Even the most boring topic should be made interesting by putting in creativity.
d.      Humour and Wit: These are very important aspects of teaching. There must be humour and wit in the classroom generated by the teacher. It lightens the situation and the students always learn more in a happy and positive environment. The students resent studying in a jittery or sad or angry environment. Avoid it.

e.      Keep them engaged: This is a very important teaching strategy. The students should be kept engaged all the time. Once they are engaged productively by the teacher, a lot of experiential learning takes place.
Developing effective strategies is very important. It shows the productivity of the teacher and also benefits the students a lot.

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