Saturday, 17 April 2021

Why you should read Bruce Lee Quotes?


Picture Credit: The above picture is taken from the below mentioned website.

In an age of internet, jpegs, pdfs, video files, etc. quotes have become very popular with everyone. These word-embedded pictures act as a motivational force for everyone. The teaching community, I feel has been greatly benefitted with these quotes because they motivate the students as well as the teachers.


Message in the form of words and quotes are a regular feature on WhatsApp and other social media platforms. An enigmatic picture and a few captivating words have attracted many teachers to find motivation and keep going on.


Being a language teacher myself, I feel attracted towards words. Poetry, to be specific but a good quote has always held me captive. I used to fill my diaries by writing quotes and then reading them every day. It was a regular habit since I was very young.


In those days I just copied words because I was not writing on my own. I guess my first attempt at writing would have been inspired by those quotes which I copied from everywhere that I could find them. Gradually the words kindled imagination and ultimately, I reproduced what my mind was imagining on to paper in the form of articles.

So, coming back to the quotes and the motivation that they provide.

Most youngsters now store these quotes in the form of pictures in their mobiles to motivate them in their daily work. These quotes help us keep a positive frame of mind. No matter what the situation arises, there is a quote for every occasion which shows you a ray of light.


I know that everyone knows that visualization works. Hence the quotes that come with vibrant visuals are in trend since a long time.



Why Bruce Lee Quotes?


My first acquaintance with Bruce Lee was through a 2-feet by 4-feet Bruce Lee poster which one of my cousin brothers had put up on his almirah. For years when I went to my grandmother’s house for summer vacation this poster stared at me before I went to sleep. According to my cousin, the poster was an inspiration to him. For me it was some Hollywood hero.

A few years ago, the memories of that poster came back to me when I was discussing one of my summer vacation escapades with someone. And I searched about Bruce Lee. Then I read about his life and struggles and finally landed upon some of the motivational words which he had said.

They reflect his thought process and the wonderful philosophy that he had about life.

So when I was thinking of an out of the box idea to write my next blog, a Bruce Lee quote swam into my brain. I decided to go ahead to frame a blog on it to motivate the teaching community out there.


These days the classes and the struggles in the online meetings can well be compared with the boxing inside the rings.

So here is my list of 9 Bruce Lee quotes which reflect and can be a source of motivation to the teachers.


1                      “The more we value things, the less we value ourselves.”

This is true! And I relate it directly to monetary value that the teachers attach themselves with. Most of them compare their salary to the amount of work that they are doing.

When you decide to work your focus should be on quality work that you produce. Develop your work ethics in a manner which do not reflect the amount which gets deposited in the bank.


I know! Salary matters.

But trust me! Quality of work and delivery of results matters more. Focus on your task. Plan and develop a strategy to improve it continuously. Think of new ideas. Simplify the mundane and administerial work. Do it with joy.


Make creativity your tool. Let quality drip from everything that you do!

Value your work highly and you will get the necessary rewards.


2                      “Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.”

We keep assimilating knowledge all our lives. When we teach, we start applying it to real life. I have seen many creative ideas of teachers going waste because simply they were not implemented. They are written in lengthy and well ornated lesson plans but never implemented. Hence the teachers can feel happy that they came up with unique ideas but actually they will not produce results.


Procrastination is the real killer at all times. I suggest this flow chart which seems helpful-


Write down the idea which crept up in your mind.

Break it down into simple steps.

Set a target date.

Do one step a day.

Ensure that you do not miss the target date.


Nothing can replace action!


3                      “To hell with circumstances, I create opportunities.”






I think everyone agrees with it. There were just a handful of teachers who took a step backwards. Rest everyone created opportunities for themselves. Teachers experimented with apps and programs to make their lectures successful. They ensured that teaching happened.

They made their classes interesting to capture their students’ hearts. There were images and power point presentations. There were innovations and implementations.

Each teacher created the opportunities where there were none.

The circumstances looked too meagre in front of the gigantic opportunities which these educators created.


4                      “When you say that something is impossible, you make it impossible.”

Remove the word impossible for your life. Think of probable solutions. If every roadblock can be removed then what are problems in terms of teaching. Yes, impossible takes a bit longer to achieve. But if you are determined nothing can stop you from conquering the world.


How many times have you attempted the most difficult of activities and achieved results?


How many times did you think that you could never do any more corrections, but you did?


How many times you were asked to submit, lesson plans, question papers, and tons of other documents all at one time?

You thought you would crash, but you sailed through smoothly.

Carry the attitude of doing things. Impossible will shrink to a size so tiny that you will need a microscope to trace it!


5                      Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.”

From the entire lot of teachers who are teaching right now or who are entering this profession, 99 % of them chose this profession because they wanted a life of comfort.


Limited working hours, holidays, vacations, etc. Simply Wow!

Well, the bubble breaks when they start working. Then they face problems because the mindset does not match with the skill set and hence the desired productivity is not achieved.

Expectations were high. Ground realities are different.

There is no celebrity status attached to a teacher until and unless you prove your mettle or make a mark with the students.

There are no praises only expectations. Everyday something new has to be done. The teachers also have to cope with the administrative work. Hence the cakewalk gets messy for most of the professionals.

You can sail smoothly in teaching also, but you need focus, inner strength and the correct approach.


6                      “Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.”

‘Instructions’ are an integral part of teaching. They have to be delivered from time to time. One has to be meticulous when instructions are given. Also, there are multiple instructions to be given at one time.


So, mistakes are bound to happen.

The teacher has to receive instructions from the head of the institution, from the co-ordinators, etc.

He has to comprehend these instructions and then deliver to the students.

It is a lengthy process. One tends to forget or misunderstand instructions.

It is a fact! Let’s accept it! It happens!

The best way out is to accept the mistake rather than try to cover it!

If you cover your mistake, at some point the can will burst and the dirty wiggly worms will come out.

If you accept it, rectification starts and soon everything is forgotten in good faith.


Note: Do not repeat the same mistake again and again. It is known as carelessness.


7                      “Water is fearless. If you put water into a cup it becomes the cup. You put water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot, water can flow, drip, creep or crash.”

As a teacher, you have to don many hats. The more versatile you become, the more successful you will be.

You have to do many tasks at the same time.

We have heard-‘Teacher, philosopher, guide…’

Many more titles can be added to it-administrator, manager, organizer, leader, etc. All the titles can be given to one person. The role of a teacher demands a cumulative bundle of them.


8                      “What you habitually think, will define what you ultimately become.”

Most teachers do not graduate to leadership roles because they do not fore see themselves as one.

There are many negative attitudes attached to a teacher’s role. The dignity of labour is still missing from this profession. Hence the approach of the teacher is shrouded by doubts, insecurities and an unprofessional attitude.


Read the biographies of great people and understand how a teacher has impacted their lives. Have role models who are working well in the field of teaching. Talk to teachers who are still connected to their students even if they have retired from the profession.


Follow teachers on the social media. Many of them have their own professional pages and blogs. Read, comment, interact with them via the social media. Take a careful look at the content they post.

Upgrade your own social media standing by posting relevant educational content on your page.

Feel proud about the profession, and the profession will give you what is rightfully yours.


9                      “Be happy, but never satisfied.”


There is a lot of work to be done. There are many students who need guidance. There are changes which are occurring in the system. There are assignments to be done, tests to be checked, lessons to be covered…

It goes on and on.


What matters is your happiness in the profession. Cherish every good act that you do. Feel happy about the roadblocks that you are able to remove. Be excited when you are able to innovate to teach in a better manner.

But remember, the moments will pass and new ones will emerge.

So, keep striving. It is an ongoing process. Don’t get satisfied with the little wins and stop your journey. Don’t turn complacent!


Happiness makes your journey desirable. Momentary satisfaction leads to contentment. This leads to encouragement.

Never let satisfaction stay for long. Look for an uncomfortable place if you wish to continue your journey happily!

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