Saturday 1 July 2017

10 Things to do at the beginning of every school year.

Come along a new session and each teacher and child is brimming with a lot of energy and enthusiasm. Each year brings new challenges and it is nice to see everyone embracing them with open arms and a smile with a quote ‘We have a solution for every problem.’ It si the best time of the year as everyone is optimistic and so a lot of progress is harnessed.
Below mentioned are a list of things a teacher must do to begin a year.
a.      Read, Read and Read: Every teacher must read a lot of books or binge into blog reading about books, how to improve reading habits of children, or classroom management, or bulletin boards, etc. Reading helps you to gather a lot of information. It may not come in handy all at once, but your mind has a trait of giving the dose to you at the right time i.e. when you require it the most. Reading also comes in planning to a great extent. (Picture of reading material)
A good link which shows you how to work on Phonics.
Below given is a very good link of website which has material to read
b.      Maintain a journal: Maintaining a journal helps you to note down your teaching aims for the year. It gives you a good start. Your daily to do list can also go in the journal and hence you can keep track of your goals for the coming session.
c.       Day one activities: Plan out good Day-One activities for the students. If it’s a new session, then you need to gear up for the budding enthusiasts who are going to come to your class. Make your activities colorful, and filled with fun. Even if it is a session break, day one activities set the ball rolling for the coming session.
d.      Bulletin Boards:  Unique and creative ideas are available on the internet for bulletin boards. Make your class attractive by decorating bulletin boards in your classroom to remove the slumber from the children if there is any.
e.       High Energy Level:  First day of the school is tiring after vacations but keep the energy level very high to ensure that your children also receive the message of ‘Back to work.’
f.       Classroom Rules: Classroom rules set the tone of the teaching and behavior of the children. Hence make rules which the children must remember to follow. It is good to discuss the rules with the children. It gives them a taste of how important decision making is.
g.      Classroom Helpers: Make children responsible for certain tasks in the classroom. Make classroom helpers for proper delegation and implementation of work.
h.      Good Lesson Planning: Everything said and done nothing can replace good teaching. Browse, discuss, create, innovate and come up with good teaching ideas which would suffice for sometime to come or else until too much work grapples you. Making a note of teaching ideas in the journal will also help you to recapitulate whenever you are running short of time to research and come up with something new.
i.        Personal Time and feedback: Remember the children need your personal attention during school hours. All the more so when the school starts as there are many new things which they need to understand to start their learning process. Understanding instructions given by a new person is also difficult sometimes. Hence it is said that patience is the key at this time with the students. Take a feedback from the children before they go home on day one about the classroom, or classroom rules of bulletin boards or the lesson taught by you. Feedback is a great way of building appositive relationship with the children.
j.        Speak out Loud: You can also have a Speak out Loud activity wherein the child is encouraged to speak about How he spent the day in school. This also gives you an insight on how to deal with the children of your class.

OH! This is too much work for day One! But it pays to do all of this. You can add or reduce the task and adjust it according to your classroom needs.
I can already feel the excitement in the air to start the new session.
Best Of Luck!
Next: 5 Ways to give Instructions to the Students.

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