Monday 17 July 2017

4 Ways to arouse curiosity among learners.

4 Ways to arouse curiosity among learners.
Learning and curiosity are interconnected. Curiosity determines the self interest of the learner. Once the self interest is aroused, a student bends towards learning. He listens and understands to satisfy his own needs. Active learners always show great interest in their surroundings. They want to know more and this quest of theirs is enough to take them to great heights.
A teacher must take care to arous
e the interest level of the students. This helps them to focus on the talk being delivered by the teacher.
There are different ways to make a learner curious.
a.       Teaching Aid: Carry a teaching aid to the class. The students are really curious to know how the teaching aid is going to be connected to the story that is meant for them. They ask questions and try to find answers on their own.  A teacher can take up many discussions with a single teaching aid. It is not necessary that huge and complicated teaching aids should be made for the children. But even something as simple as a paper boat can provide many solutions and narrate many stories for the children.
b.      Throwing questions: As soon as you enter ask certain questions to the students. Ex: Why is there a lot of ice on the poles? They start wondering and get connected to you.
c.       Position in the classroom: Most teachers have a habit of entering the class and standing in one particular place. At times one must enter and go and stand at the back of the class.
d.      Closed fists: Enter with closed fists in the class and ask the children to guess what will come out of the fists. Or ask them to guess in which fist will they find a paper or a coin.
These strategies are just clues. There are many things which help you to make your students curious. Try these out.

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