Sunday 12 April 2020

How Growth Mindset Will Help During Lock Down!

Picture Credit: 7 Mindsets

“Love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort and keep on learning.”-Carol Dweck

When you are thinking positively the results will automatically be positive. The people who have positive thoughts seem to have a good control over their thinking processes. Hence if they are faced with a problem they try to look for a solution. They do not react with negative emotions like anger, frustration or violence. They are happy, keep putting in efforts and keep thinking about a way to ease out of the given scenario.

Growth Mindset is a term coined for people who love challenges. You can see progress taking place in their lives. They keep climbing up the stairs of life and success.

They do not measure success with financial wealth and prosperity. They measure success with their ability to deal with the given circumstances.

There are two main mindsets we can navigate life with: growth and fixed. Having a growth mindset is essential for success.-Dr Carol Dweck

I know that during the lock down period no one is thinking of success. Everyone is just managing to survive these tough and never seen before conditions that they are faced with. But moving through the daily routine with a growth mindset would really be beneficial for the entire people of the household.

What is a growth mindset?
As Dr Carol Dweck says-
Individuals who believe their talents can be developed (through hard work, good strategies, and input from others) have a growth mindset. They tend to achieve more than those with a more fixed mindset (those who believe their talents are innate gifts).

What she wants to emphasise is that one should aim to make himself smarter by learning the necessary skills required rather than putting in mere wasteful efforts in just looking smarter than the rest of the lot.

The initial cover definitely weans off and the real turf will be exposed. Let the real turf be full of strong mettle which can be acquired with a growth mindset.

Leave the –I have-it-all attitude-
Life will move on different terms after the lock down. Certain rules and conditions will certainly change. Hence we all need to be ready to face the life after the lock down period is over. So just by assuming that things will be absolutely normal and life will get back on track is not a very productive gesture.
Introspect and see whether you require to gain certain skills. This is the right time to utilise it. Get enrolled in some certification courses and upgrade your current technical or soft skills if required. There are many webinars happening and people are willing to share their knowledge. Almost every website has a note about what they are offering for free or at discounted rates.

Face Criticism, Challenges and Low performance-
This is happening with most people these days. Just to avoid wasting time, they try to delve into some productive activity. At times they get a good response at other times they are faced with criticism about their work.

Because they have worked but the result is awaited. There is no guarantee of success right now. Everything is on hold. The results are not visible. The future seems bleak. The challenges seem big and unattainable.

Halt! It is alright. Do not worry.

If you have taken up something to do and are working towards it, do not expect the results right now. Have patience. Work can never go unnoticed.

I strongly believe in actions. Right actions will bring in the results. There may be a delay but the fruits will be enjoyed by the person who puts in efforts.

“It is hard to beat a person that never gives up.”-Babe Ruth

Efforts require thinking and planning an implementation. And all these actions act in a sequence. They are a proved scientific approach which is know to give you the results that you have sought of so far.

Keeping a growth mindset will make you face these challenges and much more. Do not give up. Keep putting in the efforts that you wish to.

“I like criticism. It makes me strong.”-Lebron James

If you are feeling the insecurity you have lost the growth mindset-

Overcome the feeling of insecurity that is gripping you. It will not let you work. It will be a hindrance in your growth. Overcome these feelings as soon as you can.

Meditate, pray, write down positive affirmations, read blogs written by motivational speakers, etc.

Use the indicators which your mind is giving you. Follow the instinct. If you are trying to do something, those pangs of insecurity will threaten to choke you until you decide to lower your guard down and finally end up on the couch without the potato chips.

Some indicators which will tell you that you have adopted a growth mindset-

1.  You are happy and cheerful every day.

2.  Anger and resentment has not crept up your sleeve.

3.  You are watching the daily news only once a day to update yourself.

4.  You are reading articles or blogs related to your industry to keep yourself updated.

5.  You are discussing things with people if faced with a problem.

6.  You have revived one of your hobbies and are giving time to it.

7.  You are lending a helping hand to the people who need it.

8.  You are connected to friends and relatives and providing them the mental support required.

9.  Your day is scheduled properly.

10.              You are sleeping only for the limited period of time.

“You are capable of so much more than you can even imagine.”

Mind has limitless thoughts. Growth mindset can help you achieve the unlimited potential that you possess. This positive mindset challenges to keep growing in your life. You will never stagnate or decay with this wonderful mindset that you decide to adopt.

People will survive the challenges thrown by COVID-19 with the help of the powers of their mind, with collaboration and coordination wherever and however possible.

Let us beat this pandemic with super positivity and unlimited growth to give a different dimension to the world when it is ready to reopen.

Kesar Patel is a National Award winner. She is a blogger who details the life of an educator through the colours of her own experience in the field of education. Follow her at

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